The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself, because it determines
what you think and what you tell yourself and that affects your state of mind and therefore your actions.
The second most important relationship is the one you have with the people around you, your family and your friends.
Imagine how these relationships will influence your achievements and your business.
Imagine taking 100% responsibility for what you think, feel, do and tell yourself.
Master your mental powers, build your character “muscle” so you can systematically find
and remove every mental block or limiting belief that is holding you back.
If you do this then you can have the life that you have imagined and bring it into reality.
Yes it is really possible.
If you are looking for simple solutions to gain better use of your time, a clearer picture of where you are
going and how best to get there, or just to reconnect to misplaced resources you’ve always had,
then Life coaching is for you.
A journey begins no matter how long with that first step… the first one is up to you.
Call me Colin 0419 568 043 or visit
or join me on Facebook –
Credit to for the fantastic image of the pup.
If you could have an hour of power with a life coach where you could discover what’s important to you and what you really want to achieve in your life, wouldn’t that be valuable to you?
If you could discover your most important values and beliefs and how they shape or influence your decisions, wouldn’t that have enormous worth to you?
If you could discover why sometimes your limiting beliefs or fears can hold you back and that there are tools and strategies available to change or modify them so they no longer hold sway over you , wouldn’t that energise you to achieve your heart’s desire, to realise you DO have choices and options to achieve those goals? Some of these have been with you since you were a child. Now you are an adult and they may no longer serve you. A life coach can help you to replace those old unresourceful habits with more resourceful ones that serve you better.
If you could overcome your thoughts of not being good enough or fitting in and replace them with images of being successful, of being accepted and mastering your chosen pathway in life, wouldn’t you want to know more about that and what that knowledge would mean to you?
If you could picture or imagine what you really want to bring into your life and then be able to create a vibrant vision of your future, followed by a detailed plan of how to achieve that vision, to bring those thoughts into reality, some people call this manifesting, what would that give you?
I’ve seen how NLP tools and strategies which I use in my Life Coaching practise, can turn people’s lives around and energise them to lift their expectations and results. To lift that weight of anxiety and wondering is it possible to really know and move forward into a better version of yourself-
YES it is possible. It is up to you to decide you are ready to change things in your life, to no longer tolerate those old habits or behaviours that have been bugging you and giving you grief or anxiety.
Colin is offering you an hour of power where you can explore and discover things about yourself to improve and enhance your quality of life, your relationships and how to enhance your communications with those people around you . Discover how to refocus your energy, boost your self- worth and get inspired to redirect and grow your life. Even examining how to modify your negative self- talk can have enormous benefits to you in your everyday experiences.
So I’m inviting you to have a chat with a life coach in a judgement free and confidential space to kick start the next phase of your life- whatever that may be.
How do you get started?
The first step is yours. Book a session today with an NLP Certified Life coach. There is no obligation and no contract.
The first session is a gift from me. Then you can pay me what you think it’s worth to you. We can talk weekly or fortnightly to keep your momentum going.
You can call me on 0419568043 to book your time or Skype me on colin-slater1